Sitelog and SiteLogPro, offer a good starting point toward realizing your investment without tying up a geologists time creating a logging system so they can remain focused on the geology. Why use SiteLog...? Keep reading..
- Generally a site will be visited only once so, it make sense to maximize the amount of data collected.
- Field Notebooks generally remain in one place making them difficult to refer back to.
- Field Notebooks are often organized according to however the geologist was trained and therefore not uniformly indexed.
- Geologists often keep their Field Notebooks with them until the book is full or they leave the project, often resulting the company being unable to refer back to the original notes.
- Field Notebooks often contain handwriting that is, "difficult to decode", and may use logging codes that only that particular geologist understands.
SiteLog - free version
SiteLog Free version uses and Excel workbook for data entryLink
Import csv data generated by Excel Link
Import csv generated by Excel Link
SiteLogPro offers a comprehensive set of data inputs suitable for plotting. Link